Friday, February 28, 2020

How race, gender and sexual orientation appeal to some underlying Essay

How race, gender and sexual orientation appeal to some underlying biological influences - Essay Example 2211). In other words, the assumption that race and ethnicity are merely biological traits is utterly mistaken. Human categories such as gender and sexual orientation are oftentimes subjected to intense debates, especially gender orientation, as to whether they are nature or nurtured; and if there is a correlation between genes and gender orientation; the environment and gender orientation. Later on, an elaborative analysis shall be taken in order to explain whether, if indeed, race, sex, and gender orientation appeal to some biological influences. Also, this paper shall attempt to provide consequential and pertinent corroborations that should clarify some mistaken understandings in so far as the issues on biological influences in race, sex, and gender orientation are concerned. [Student’s Last Name] 2 Race Race â€Å"was a presumably biological feature that an individual had, but was composed of disparate elements that might contradict one another within a single body† (Marks 108). ... Race has been conventionally considered to classify population according to communal biological traits like genes, hair, eyes, and other apparent physical features (Drewnowski et al. 2211). While race expresses a common characteristic among a number of people, it is used profoundly to emphasize cultural and social characteristics and not biological influences (Drewnowski et al. 2211). Therefore, the attempts to study the biological influences in race are something that is not feasible. In fact, â€Å"if races are discrete groups of populations, the continuous nature of human variation undermines the utility of race as a basic way to study the species† (Marks 108). This is particularly true in that while it is â€Å"something relatively stable† (108) as it is part of human physiological composition, the evolution of man through its years of existence must have transpired significant modifications on its genetic composition with every succeeding generation that passes. Th us, obviously, there is no avenue through which one can scrutinize biological influences to race as there is no consistent representation of the genetic detail that could be considered coherent or uniform regardless of human variations. â€Å"Race is [Student’s Last Name] 3 largely a social category† (Marks 109). It â€Å"correlates to some extent with genetics but is principally derived from a non-scientific or folk concept of heredity† (109). This is partly due to the fact that while genetics affect race to some degree, there is no guaranteed uniformity or coherence on this biological influences due to the genetic changes that take place with respect to every generation that passes; thus, there can be no effective approach to completely scrutinize the organic

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Employment Law for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employment Law for Business - Essay Example 1 Although the estimates shows that majority of victims filing cases are women there has been an increase on recorded cases of men filing against the female workers, a good example is the Britain's equal employment opportunities commission (Britain's EEOC) which has recorded eight percent sexual complaints coming from men. It is a psychological and sexual abuse which involves bullying and has been seen as illegal discrimination. There have been enormous lawsuits in courts concerning sexual harassment. The lawsuits has been having it's own outcomes on both the employer and the employee. The main purpose for this study is to examine the general outcomes of sexual harassment lawsuits for employees and employers, to help end the increasing sexual harassment cases between the employers and their employees and lastly to bring the true picture of law regarding sexual harassment. The rising cases of lawsuits have brought some serious consequences to the employees who are the victims of harassment. This leaves the sexual harassment victim with only three options of enduring the suffering, making courageous attempts to it a move that has a high likelihood of worsening the situation and lastly opting to leave the employment for a more conducive environment.2 There is a feeling of humiliation to the employee... There is a feeling of humiliation to the employee, in some varied scenarios there have been reported cases of physical injury being inflicted to the victim. There has been complete loss of dignity by the employee; this puts them in a situation of choosing between their self-esteem and their work. At times they encounter the inevitable thing of choosing between their safety and their job. It can result in job loss or career termination, this will mean that the employee will luck an income source for her upkeep. Disclosure of employee's personal life for scrutiny by the public. At many instances the victim has turned to be the accused while his/her personal life, lifestyle and mode of dressing are invaded. This humiliates the employee through gossips and scrutiny. There is defamation of the employee where she/he is sexualized in public a thing that soils his/her repute. This forces the victim to relocate to another town in search of a different job. There is increased stress on relationships with other people a thing that can lead into divorce. Colleagues will tend to distance themselves form the victim. The employee will loss trust on environments related to the one under which harassment occurred. The employee will also lack trust on people holding positions similar to those of the harasser. There is complete loss of recommendations and references because the employee is never in terms with the harasser. The victim will suffer serious health and psychological effects which will include lack of concentration, lack of sleep, depression, stigmatization, fatigue, endless headaches, abdominal problems, nightmares, loss of appetite that results into weight